
Tuesday 13 November 2018


Room on the Broom
October was all about witches in our classroom. We read the story Room on the Broom and had great fun this month acting out the story, making brooms and lots of other things in Junk Art like building brooms in the construction area and playing in the sand area.

Maths Trail

We celebrated maths week in Junior and Senior Infants.The children played maths games, made shape monsters and went on a maths shape hunt on the yard.
They had great fun with 5th & 6th class.


Autumn Hunt
Autumn is a very busy season for all the animals around us. They are starting to get ready to hibernate for the winter. We learned all about the hedgehog and the foods he eats and what he looks like.
We learned that there is a hedgehog hotel hidden in our garden and we have a hedgehog hibernating in it.

We went on an autumn hunt around the school. We found lots of interesting things such as fungi, different coloured leaves, berries and some pumpkins growing in our vegetable garden.

Tuesday 13 November 2018


Room on the Broom
October was all about witches in our classroom. We read the story Room on the Broom and had great fun this month acting out the story, making brooms and lots of other things in Junk Art like building brooms in the construction area and playing in the sand area.

Maths Trail

We celebrated maths week in Junior and Senior Infants.The children played maths games, made shape monsters and went on a maths shape hunt on the yard.
They had great fun with 5th & 6th class.


Autumn Hunt
Autumn is a very busy season for all the animals around us. They are starting to get ready to hibernate for the winter. We learned all about the hedgehog and the foods he eats and what he looks like.
We learned that there is a hedgehog hotel hidden in our garden and we have a hedgehog hibernating in it.

We went on an autumn hunt around the school. We found lots of interesting things such as fungi, different coloured leaves, berries and some pumpkins growing in our vegetable garden.


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